Shopping While Black

What stores are we going to? 

I don’t know… the mall?  a bunch of stores?

Well, I can’t wear a Banana Republic shirt if we’re going to Banana Republic

Immediately I’m confused, huh?

Careful what brand you wear shopping?

Don’t take that purse 


We’ll probably get followed in stores

With that purse we definitely will 

Pull into the mall parking lot

I cut between cars to get to the door faster 

Damon stays in the main isle


Imagine some old lady opening her door

The first thing she sees is me walking towards her?

Assault for walking through a parking lot while black?

Walking casually around store 

Completely oblivious

Take your hands out of your pockets! 

You look suspicious, like you’re hiding something


Suspicious just because my hands are in my pockets?

Arms folded, I’m cold,

Clutching bag close to my chest, to keep warm

Don’t hold your bag like that!

You look suspicious like you’re hiding something


There’s a specific way I should hold a bag?

Never considered a shoplifting accusation before 

Damon teaches with patience 

This is white privilege 

Before Damon I had no need 

to know 

how to go

Shopping while black 


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